Emerging Small Business
CALL US if you want to set up a new business
We can help you choose, create, and fully organize the type of business entity that will best meet your individual needs. We can tailor it to fit both the short and long term goals you may have for the company.
We understand both the accounting and legal reasons for choosing one business entity type over another. We help clients balance the challenges posed by those legal and financial issues. We help our clients choose the type of business entity that is right for them and provide startup services tailored to meet each individual cient's needs and goals. We work closely with your accountants in considering each business entity type. We know many of the CPAs in this area and can provide clients, who don't have their own finanical advisor recommendations based on our experience.
Services for the life of your business
For many clients, the business formation services we provide are just the begining of a long standing relationship. For businesses that are up and running, we provide ongoing counsel, contract reveiew, transactional services, and representation in disputes, business litigation, and appeals as well.
You have been charged with a crime. You are frightened; many already believe you are guilty; your freedom is at stake. Delgado provides the best criminal defense possible and will make the government prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt before your freedom is taken away.
When you are charged with committing a crime, it is extremely important to hire an attorney who is willing to devote significant attention to your case. We say this because people convicted of a crime face more than just criminal penalties; they also face a potential lifelong social stigma, as well as diminished employment, housing and educational opportunities. At the Law Office of Omaida Delgado, P.A., we provide effective criminal defense for people charged with all crimes, both felonies and misdemeanors.
Many of the clients that come into our law office have never been in trouble with the law. For many of them, their reputations and professions may be jeopardized if they are convicted of a criminal charge. Rest assured our criminal defense lawyers will use their extensive experience and in-depth knowledge to prepare and develop a strong defense against these allegations. If you want to know more about your criminal case, please contact us to schedule an initial consultation.
Some of the services we provide for your start up are:
- Name Search
- Filing Articles of Organization
- Appointing and Serving as a Registered Agent
- Operating Agreements
- Compliance with regulatory bodies
If you are in need of an experienced business formation attorney who is capable of guiding you and assiting on future endeavors, please contact the Law Office of Omaida Delgado, P.A. today. Contact us to schedule a consultation with our experienced lawyers. We proudly represent clients in South Florida.
We dedicate the time required to inform you fully of your choices.
CALL US NOW (305)888-8896.